footprint area

footprint area
площадь контакта пневматика с покрытием, площадь отпечатка (следа) пневматика на покрытии

Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. . 1962.

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Смотреть что такое "footprint area" в других словарях:

  • footprint — foot‧print [ˈfʊtˌprɪnt] noun [countable] COMPUTING the space on the surface of a desk that is filled by a computer: • These PCs have a 50% smaller footprint than previous models. * * * footprint UK US /ˈfʊtprɪnt/ noun [C] ► a measurement of the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Footprint Assembly — ist ein Algorithmus zum anisotropen Filtern von Texturen. Die Texturverzerrung kann dabei in jeder beliebigen Richtung berechnet werden. Außerdem lässt sich der Algorithmus gut mit Techniken wie MIP Mapping, bilinearem oder trilinearem Filtern… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • footprint — First recorded in the 16c, footprint has for several centuries been largely confined to its literal meaning, with only occasional figurative uses (as in Longfellow s • ‘We can make our lives sublime, and, departing, leave behind us Footprints on… …   Modern English usage

  • footprint — [foot′print΄] n. 1. an impression or mark made by a foot or shoe, as in sand 2. an area, or its shape, which something affects, occupies, etc., as the space taken up by a computer, the coverage pattern of a communications satellite, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Footprint (disambiguation) — A footprint is a literal word for an impression left by a foot or shoe. Footprint or Footprints may also refer to:in science and technology: *Ichnite, a fossilised footprint *In industrial design, an item s footprint is the surface area it… …   Wikipedia

  • footprint — /ˈfʊtprɪnt/ (say footprint) noun 1. a mark left by the foot. 2. an outline of a foot, as found on a soft surface or by paint, dye, etc. 3. the area of the earth s surface covered by a satellite transmission. 4. the area reached by a radio station …  

  • footprint — UK [ˈfʊtˌprɪnt] / US noun [countable] Word forms footprint : singular footprint plural footprints 1) a) a mark made by a human or animal foot, especially in a soft surface such as earth, snow, or sand a set of footprints in the sand b) a dirty… …   English dictionary

  • footprint — noun Date: 1552 1. an impression of the foot on a surface 2. a. the area on a surface covered by something < a tire with a wide footprint > < the footprint of a laser beam > b. range of operation (as of a service) < a global footprint > 3. a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Footprint (satellite) — The footprint of a communications satellite is the ground area that its transponders offer coverage, and determines the satellite dish diameter required to receive each transponder s signal. There is usually a different map for each transponder… …   Wikipedia

  • footprint — /foot print /, n. 1. a mark left by the shod or unshod foot, as in earth or sand. 2. an impression of the sole of a person s foot, esp. one taken for purposes of identification. 3. Informal. the track of a tire, esp. on wet pavement. 4. the area… …   Universalium

  • footprint — noun 1》 the impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground. 2》 the area in which a broadcast signal can be received. 3》 the area beneath an aircraft or a land vehicle which is affected by its noise or weight. 4》 Computing the space taken up on a …   English new terms dictionary

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